Saturday 14 June 2014

Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie! [Recipe]

Peanut butter and jelly is a popular sandwich filling in America and I only came across this craze a few years ago from hearing it on TV shows! I never actually tried a PB&J sandwich until last year! I actually thought they used GELATINE jelly on the sandwiches and thought it was rather odd... I had to look it up to find that the American's "jelly" is our "jam" haha. Confusions! Upon finding that out, I made my own PB&J sandwich and to my surprise, I quite liked it! I don't like peanut butter on it's own in a sandwich so the jam helped! I also like putting honey as an alternative too mmm sweet goodness!

I came across this smoothie a few times and it sounded interesting so I thought to try it out :D I liked eating it so I took the risk in having it for a drink! Surprisingly, it was nice! Haha a strawberry smoothie with an added kick of peanut butter! For all you peanut butter and jelly lovers out there, you should give this a try!

Serves 1


1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 cup milk (I used coconut milk)
1/2 cup plain yoghurt (or any flavour of your choice)
2-3 tbsp jam of your choice (depending on how sweet you want it)
1 tbsp smooth peanut butter
1 cup crushed ice

  1. Put all your ingredients into your blender and blend away!
  2. Have a taste and add in anything you think it lacks!
  3. Pour into a cup and enjoy :) Simple!

Depending on your blender, put the ice furthest from the blade. My blade is on top so I put my ice in first. Softest ingredients to be the nearest to the blade! So liquids and creams first and everything else after in size order - small to big. In a blender like mine, it's backwards! This just helps it blend better :)

For more protein, you can add 1 banana to the smoothie!


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